Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Settling back in

Today's exciting news: babyR ate real food!!! He finally was able to keep some pureed peas in his mouth and actually swallow the stuff! So we'll be buying more of the 50cent jars of food than we will of the $25 cans of formula.

Last night we got back from Albuquerque. Everyone had a great time - but 12 hours each way in a minivan with three kids in crazy HOT weather is just something to do maybe once every other year. Add to that a three-year-old announcing "I HAVE TO POOOOOOOP!" every hour and never once actually pooping...

Aunt Wanda lives in a great big, new, air-conditioned house with a giant master bedroom she gave up for me and the kids to sleep in. She and her extended family are generous, big-hearted people. All the relatives were happy to see each other and we shared good meals, good conversation and some fun times shopping & going to the aquarium and botanical gardens. The kids had fun, everyone loved baby.

Last Friday at the circus we had a good time, too. It's a bit strange trying to maintain the "Oh we're having so much fun aren't we kids?" sense of wonder when you're the parent forking out the bucks after getting "free" tickets & wondering how all the performers can work that hard for probably next to nothing. The girls had fun, baby fell asleep in spite of the noise and heat, Gramma and Grampy helped keep spirits up - especially when I, Mama Grinch, refused to stand in line forever to pay for an elephant ride. It's amazing how kids can instantly forget how much fun they had in the past two hours when you disappoint them at the end of some event. "Wasn't that cotton candy delicious?" "I WANT TO RIDE ON THE ELEPHANT!!!!"

No new health problems... I have some scars & bruises that won't heal, mostly on my feet, and I think they make anyone who sees them gross out. Decreasing the prednisone has taken away a bunch of that crazy energy I had a while back, and my appetite isn't what it was either. Tomorrow I'll find out if the doctor wants me back up to 40 mg a day. And if she's mad that I decreased the dose on my own. And other stuff.

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