Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dinosaur Puppets

Guess what? K is gone for yet another overnight trip to Jackson. The girls are all mixed up now about when he's supposed to be home and how long he'll be staying home when he gets back.

We were lazy bums today until K left, then we cleaned ourselves up and headed to the park for a couple of hours. The girls got to ride their bikes and run around barefooted until we all started getting hungry... which was about the same time the rain started coming down. Dumbo from Netflix was waiting for us at home, a convenient reward for half an hour of no fighting.

Monday I made it to the knitting group. The one man-knitter who goes there is stitching up a bikini for the shop's big bikini display. Tuesday we went to playgroup, and to the library for a big dinosaur-puppet show. There was a huge crowd of moms & kids. The kids had a blast watching and listening to the dino-guy who'd made 20-foot long dinosaur skeleton puppets out of foam and cardboard. There were some moms I knew there who either didn't recognize me or didn't feel comfortable approaching me and my big round oxygen-tubed face. I still forget how different I must look! Next week I can go down to 20mg of prednisone. yay for me

People have asked if this oxygen is helping. I really don't notice any difference. When I take it off just to have a break, I don't feel any worse. If anything has changed, it's all the PICKING I have to do from having a dried-out, blocked-up nose. Yuk! I actually seem to do more mouth-breathing with the oxygen on than without. June 29th, I'll have my next echocardiogram and hopefully my pressure will have gone down.

I'm about to fall asleep on this keyboard so I'd better head to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm trying on my own to leave a comment. Of course, ALL of us up here in Alaska want you home NOW, not later! An idea is to come even for a few weeks while school is out to "test" the sea level altitude, along with alot more moisture in the air(to relieve dry boogers) compared to Laramie so PLEASE call me to come and get you. WE LOVE YOU. Mom