Saturday, July 02, 2011

big picture

So... there are things that happen that are uncomfortable to write about, things that are mostly someone else's business and therefore not mine to blog about.  That's why I haven't been writing much - big things have affected us that are personal and sensitive - although when I started this blog, I was comfortable revealing my own personal health issues, since that was the whole purpose of the blog.  My health isn't as central to our daily lives anymore since I've improved sooooo much, but I'll keep alive this special little outlet for rants and blurts and endless lists of our activities.  I just need to get past the big negatives...

A relative was investigated, charged, jailed and sentenced recently, although the case began just after we bought our house in early 2008.  It's huge and complicated and that's about all I'll say about it - except that no one in our family was abused.  Nome rumor-mongers can say what they want to, but truth is truth.

Kevin's brother Al and his wife Kelly lost their son Abe.  I can't imagine the pain of losing a child and I still can't bring myself around to face the fact that Abe suffered so much and is gone.  I'm some mixture of unwilling and unable to deal with it, the same as I've been since my cousin's baby died 13 years ago.

My grandma is dying of Alzheimer's disease and stroke damage.  That's been foremost in my mind lately, as she is expected to die probably within a week.  So my sisters and brother and cousin and Dad and I have been with her as much as we can, reminding her of our love, going over old stories, making her smile, talking about her parents, siblings, kids, grandkids, great-grandkids...

So there's been a lot of big-picture thinking here.  Everything fades to the background but the understanding that we need to be good to each other, treasure our time and the people we love - and not treasure our things and our differences.