Saturday, March 29, 2008


I think right now there's too much on my mind for me to really write much. Just some random stuff:
The girls got their report cards, and they're great! I get to brag today. The only thing "needing improvement" was LittleK's ability to recite her address. They must have asked her during the weeks we were moving.

R is stringing more words together. "Moh. Doos. Ease." or "May, ee-yooz?" (More juice, please; May I be excused?) He's also learned from his dad how to blame his gas on the invisible moose in the trees.

We had our first sleepover guest last night, a friend of T's. She's probably got a whole new perspective on life now that she's survived a day with bunny-ear tv, sssslllooowww DSL, no Wii, lame DVDs, and boring old oatmeal for breakfast. Oh deprivation.

Time to enjoy the silence (the girls are having a sleepover at their Anchorage cousins' house). Better entry next time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

To-Do, and IHYM

I reached list-making status today. That's getting down-to-business for me... actually doing stuff on the list is another matter. All it amounts to really is doing dishes, filing papers, readying another book order, moving clothes from bins into the closet, and sewing six girl scout sashes by Saturday. I'm instead obsessing over finding bookcases to buy for the kids' rooms, and convincing the U.S. Postal Service that our new address is really definitely REAL.

I know I can leave the vacuuming for K when he gets back. He suddenly loves vacuuming.

The kids and I got some Anchorage-errands done today, most importantly an eye exam for T. She's gone from needing bifocals for far-sightedness to being nearsighted like her four-eyed parents. New glasses ASAP. At errands' end, I gave in to "Mama can we go to the mall PLEASE?", but when it was time to leave (so I could make it home in time for Lost) T put on her I Hate You Mom face and spewed forth her best Child Lawyer arguments about why we should stay exactly where we were. Eccccchhh. It was a miserable drive home.

As soon as I picked up a FranticMom Special from Great Alaska Pizza, she lit up and announced that she felt "much better!". So, I'll stock the glove compartment with pepperoni for the next time I see a hint of the IHYM face.

Monday, March 17, 2008

auntie hugs for Abe

Back To School Day! Sayonara Spring break!

Well, the disappearing snow is revealing about a hundred million dirty squashed drink-cups and even more raggedy plastic bags scattered across this beautiful state. I have an urge to make some artsy black and white photos of all the plastic tree-flags blowing in the wind alongside every street in town. A couple of days ago I found in our front yard a long, black extension cord similar in shape to a garden hose, with a double-plug box at the end of it. Somebody's got to be missing that.

Our nephew Abe is having a rough week getting over last week's chemo. It's hard to know about him suffering and not really be able to help in a big way. I would love to just give him a big giant hug. Kids LOVE big hugs from aunties. I think.

As for me, increasing fluids is turning out to be easier said than done. My 4am-brain is wondering if the higher iron content of our well water might be affecting me somehow. I'm ready to charge into the urologist's office because my 4am-brain is tired of being jarred awake by my 2am-, 3am-, and 4am-bladder. Something's gotta give.

K leaves today for a week of flying out of Philadelphia, I think. LittleK had a tearful bedtime last night, asking why daddy couldn't just get a job at a bank or something. I told her we do have to put up with him being gone sometimes but we're so lucky to have him home for two weeks straight, fixing everything and taking the kids camping and making yummy yogurt pancakes from scratch.

The kids got the bikes out today and had a good time. K found a kite, too... R luuuuuvs to be outside and is discovering new ways to get muddy clothes, cold hands and wet feet.

This is about it for my 5am-brain, off to placate the 5am-bladder.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ski bunnies

The Big Ski happened Tuesday, at Alyeska Ski Resort in Girdwood. The original plan was for the girls to spend a couple of hours in group lessons while K took a few runs down the mountain. There weren't enough instructors, so K ended up skiing with the girls on the bunny hill until R and I got back from running errands in Anchorage. T was too tired to try taking the lift up & skiing down with her dad. It was a beautiful day, and the girls had fun, though LittleK reached near-maximum whine power by the time we left.
Maybe one day I'll actually get to ski.
It's Spring Break here in the Anchorage suburbs, and the weather has warmed up accordingly. There was enough warmth to melt the ice sheet in the driveway and create huge pools of runoff in the street. Today the snow fell slowly, and vertically, unlike Laramie snowfalls. It was so peaceful.
I've been feeling pretty healthy lately, because I've finally been able to sleep in a real bed (not the couch) with room-air that's smoke-free. I did have to go to the clinic today and left with orders to drink more fluids and down lots of cranberry juice... I have been given the official command to stop drinking Pepsi.
We shall see.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

a visit

Advice to anyone still in high school or college: be sure to take Bowling 101, so that when you're forty-something and bowling with extended family, you will get more strikes than any of the other grown-ups and your score will even bypass what the under-10, bumper-using crowd manages to pull off. Then you can justify all the money your parents spent on tuition.

Today, Auntie Peggy, Uncle Pat and their girls cruised out here in their mamavan to visit us and get whooped at North Bowl by Strikemaster K. Uncle Pat even helped get the Massive Elk Head in place on the wall. As these visits often do, this one turned into a spontaneous cousin-sleepover. Apart from the requisite bickering, pouting and exclusionary tactics, it's all gone really well! The only thing I didn't like was R copying his cousins calling me by my first name, because in his dialect it comes out as "Ninny!"

Sunday, March 02, 2008


If you're looking for a new way to waste your time, you can go to and make your own dancing stick-eskimo.

Today we slept in, then ate breakfast while watching a moose eat trees in the backyard. Our lot is actually quite the animal crossroads, since the owners of three dogs in the condos next door let their pets wander freely. Chenathedog loves it, after 6 months in apartment exile. The black cat that lives on the other side of our house comes over to stare into the patio door and just be creepy. We're not exactly cat people.

I'm dragging my feet as usual to get unpacked and organized. I spent much of the past three days fuming over the fact that (well, yes I could have done it) despite Grampy's big slip on the ice and more than one harrowing van spinout down the driveway, somebody didn't spread any sand on our front iceyard. In hindsight, all my fuming was a completely pointless waste of energy and time, kind of like the dancing eskimo...

Okay, time to hand the computer over to Miss Grumpy 2008. Moose pictures coming soon.