Monday, November 26, 2007

days of family and thanks

I think this is the 14th day since K left. We miss him, especially since we haven't been able to chat online every day, and he hasn't been able to call either.
Thanksgiving was good, my sister made delicious food and there was just low-level kid chaos. R had a screaming tantrum right after we all finished our "I'm thankful for.." statements. He also had a major stink-bomb. I think he's a shock to other peoples' systems but I'm so used to his ear-splitting shrieks and rotten smells that he still seems like a sweet, dimple-faced cuddlebug to me, 80 percent of the time. 90.
T is not the best company for her cousins, it turns out. She's so intolerant of the smallest slights or irritations that visits go south in a hurry. She's especially vigilant about people not sharing well or asking permission to use her things... yeah.
Mom & John got to drive through the beautiful sites of Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, and the Grand Canyon, before spending Thanksgiving in Albuquerque with Aunt Wanda and her family.
On Saturday night, I took the girls to the Nutcracker Ballet in Anchorage. R was a roadie for Gramma & Grampy at their fiddle dance. The ballet was beautiful and funny, so the girls had fun even if they were so hungry or uncomfortable in a fancy dress.
The only health news for me is that my bone-density scan was bad enough to warrant putting me back on Fosamax. I'll get that report today when I go to Anchorage for a meds refill. Brittle little me!

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