Halloween was fun of course. T's Hogwarts student costume was a lot of work but she was happy... LittleK was a beautiful princess and R was cute in his monkey "oot" because the elastic of the hood squished his face and made his cheeks pudgy. We went to a couple of big indoor events and ended the night with some door-to-door trick-or-treating in a nice neighborhood. K was out of commission the entire day because he ate something bad.
At 2am, the action started upstairs with loud thumps, screams and what I first thought was another glass bottle hitting the pavement outside... but it was a gunshot and there were a few more which followed. !!!! So I called 911, K went into lock-down mode, the troopers came, the people were arrested and now they're packing their things because they're being evicted. The shots were fired out the window, by the chick who lives up there, because they were being robbed.
The apartment manager said she'd let us out of our lease and refund our deposit if we want to leave. K didn't offer up his opinion but I said I don't want to look for another place, move all this stuff, and uproot the kids again. I'm also convinced the management will find decent people to move in upstairs, after all of this.
It sort of sounds like we're living in a slum but we're not, really! These buildings are practically new and only one lot away from the girls' school, we're minutes away from shopping, the commute is great from this side of Wasilla, and all the other neighbors are friendly. LittleK and I even said hi to the governor yesterday in the school parking lot - her daughter goes to our school.
Get this though - when I went to pay rent, the apartment manager said that the "rumor" is that I'M the one who freaked out and got out a gun!!!

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You know you've made an impression when your stranger neighbors tell the landlord you've been shootin' up the place. I go back and forth between cracking up about it and wondering why the hell would anyone pinpoint a mom of three kids for something like this... motherhood is really not that bad! I really didn't glare at anyone in the parking lot and I only yelled at smokers one time.
February is not that far away, we'll get to the serious house-hunting soon.
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