Here we are together again!
After a couple of weeks of single-parenting, the veneer wears off in places. The kids start asking "When will DADDY be back??" as if I need more reminders that I'm the Dud Parent. I'm just happy that everybody's happy and some of the layers of stress have melted away. I guess the jet lag is wearing off because K took T to the sports complex for a run around the track.
R has a cold. He's a fountain of snot and I can't keep him from sneezing and coughing on everyone. We're just waiting, watching, wondering who'll be next to get it.
Today LittleK and I went to Daisy Girl Scouts. I felt sorry for the leader the last time we talked and I volunteered to be her permanent co-leader. Then I forgot to do all the things I said I'd do, like look into a different meeting place, pick up an activity guide, buy some things for the uniforms, etc. Procrastination, neglect... not exactly stuff I can blame on medication!
Speaking of medication, I'm taking 14 pills a day plus one early on Fridays, plus Advair puffs twice a day (I luuuuuv Advair). I see people once in awhile with portable oxygen tanks and it seems so strange now to think that I was in that boat.

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