Much ado...
It's been a very busy month here. We went to the Native Heritage Center for Mother's Day; MissK and her class released some salmon fry into a lake; we got to visit with our really good friend Donny and his sweet daughter; MissK sang in the 1st Grade Concert; T had a track meet (500 athletes!); then she had a bowling field trip and finally school ended.
While the kids celebrated the last few days of school, I flew up to Nome and celebrated the graduation of the daughter of my childhood friend... Thanks, Crystal- in a REALLY BIG way- and congratulations to Taylor! She's a beautiful, smart girl with great parents and a world of possibilities open to her. I also got to watch Linda's son graduate from kindergarten, awww.
Part of my excitement about being in Nome had to do with King Island in the late 1800's and early 1900's. That's where my dad's great-grandparents are from, we think... So I got to visit the King Island Native Corporation's archives and search for Anayak and Iutok and any other possible relatives. It was really interesting and I can't wait to go back again.
I came back after three days and celebrated our DownTheRoadFriends' son's first birthday. It was a beautiful weekend and we got all the leftover frosting. The next day, R fell on his face in the front yard and made a great bloody gash above his left eyebrow. Long story, two hospitals and six hours later we were home.
Now I'm just winding down from five straight days of ballet. Ballet, ballet, ballet. I was StageMom (DUNH-DUNH-dunh!) again, because I love how intense everybody gets and the whole process of putting a show together. I love how city-fied and pretentious some people are. I love the kids because they're brave to step out on that stage... and I love the music. Tomorrow I get to sit in the audience. I'm taking Mom. Yay!

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