I think we as a nation really didn't need Guantanamo all along. To squeeze anybody for a confession, deal, or national secret, all that's required are two kids in a minivan using the stream-of-consciousness-sing-song-pointless-jabber skill like a drill to the back of the head, and a third child splicing in "MAMA MAKE THEM STAAHHHHHHHP!!" every minute or so in a very high-pitched whine, the sun blinding everyone in the car and the radio blaring in a sorry attempt at blocking it all out. Simple.
We went in to Anchorage not long ago to watch K play in a hockey tournament, and that's when I came up with the idea of minivans as torture chambers. K's team lost
badly - but there was a team from Nome playing, so it was worth it to go and see some familiar faces and catch up with friends.

It's been hot this week! We've put away the winter gear and caught spring fever. The kids only have three weeks of school left... I finished R's baby blanket, in a feat of perseverance. I also finished reading Little Dorrit by Dickens, after obsessing over PBS' adaptation of it. The book is overwhelming with its 1800's British phrasing, but it was mysterious and funny and I loved it. SO, now I can move on and hopefully get into a more productive mood.

This weekend we braved another road trip to check out the Aviation Trade Show, met up with Peg & family, then drove to Sutton to listen to a talk by the author
Gary Paulsen. T's been doing a book report/project on his book "Hatchet", so she was excited to meet him and get his autograph.

Busy days...
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