Thursday, February 28, 2008


We are 97% moved into the new house. Mom and John spent their entire day and night with us on Tuesday to help move the big stuff and also to hang out at the sports complex during soccer. They fed us pizza, too... many many thanks AGAIN to Gramma and Grampy.
The kids are loving the freedom of having a place with no people on the other side of the floor, ceiling, and walls. LittleK and R are sharing a room, so that their grumpy night-owl big sister can have total privacy and sleep-in mornings. We are already having problems, though, with the water heater, and will likely have to go WITHOUT hot water all weekend until the man who installed the heater can get back to town to fix it. The driveway is slicker than a hockey rink and the mamavan cannot go up it, even with a new transmission. Other than that, the house is a cozy little place of our own and we love it.
We're trying to get out of this apartment tonight and tomorrow, and now have just the annoying last bits of clutter to clean up.
I've got to hurry off to get LittleK from school so I can get back here and emotionally separate myself from yet another pile of useless junk.

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