Sunday, January 27, 2008

wide angle

There have been countless factors which brought our little family to where we are today. It's easy to see (and write) using this close-up, critical point of view... but I need to say that yes, I do see the big picture, no matter how much I luuuuv complaining about apartment life or finances.

K sacrificed a job and lifestyle he loved so that I can be healthier. LittleK and R don't suffer much from our big move, but T has an obvious, daily sadness about her because she left so many meaningful people and things behind. Not a week goes by without her reminding us that she will one day live in a house on the prairie again, with her own horses, next door to her best friend.

So, laugh with me about the neighbors, the van, the dog and all of my other microscopic problems... and understand the gratitude I have to just be alive, with the people who luuuuuv me so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello from mpls,just trying to catch up on email,blog, and the rest of cyber com. still can't type worth a crap but sounds like
things r goin well in wasilla. hope the house hunting goes better. last talked to kevin about it he said int rates went down.thats good i think. abe and i r just hanging out in our mpls penthouse harassing the nurses,doing window art(I'd call it graffity but not supposed to.),and doing a few lapps around the floor. abe has a roomate again,his name is john and he is 16.very nice kid, mature and an excellent sense of humor, unfortunately he is stage 4 but seems to be handling it all quite well. we hope to be sprung on friday or nice to watch superbowl on our own ancient tv in the friendly frozen confines of our living room. well talk to u later and take care.