Thursday, January 31, 2008

house news

We made an offer yesterday on a house that's about 5 miles down KGB road. The offer was accepted and now we're heading towards closing.

...from Little House on the Prairie to Little House in the Big Woods.

It's cute and brand new and by the end of February, it should be ours. Yay!

There are three bedrooms and two full baths. The house faces south and sits on an acre with verrry tall trees. The original buyer chose some nice upgrades before her financing fell through. Immediate needs are a refrigerator and a washer/dryer set. In the spring we'll do something about the yard, and next year we'll add a garage. For now, the crawlspace will probably fit 90% of our junk.

The girls will finish out this school year at Cottonwood, but transfer to KGB Elementary in the fall.

More good news: the van should be done tomorrow! So everything's falling into place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!