Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Change in latitude, change in attitude

Here we are as in olden days...
LittleK, R and I arrived in Anchorage last Saturday with Mom. Many many thanks to UncleB and AuntieM for graciously allowing us to invade the house, eat all the food, and hog the TV. We love you guys!!
While in Denver, K and I went to the University hospital and talked with Dr. Voelkel about me and my diseases. He believes my pulmonary hypertension is most influenced by my autoimmune problems. He felt the need to stress how serious this all is... maybe I smiled too much, I don't know. He also thinks that I could qualify for some clinical drug trials. I will need to return to Denver to have some tests done, including a right heart catheterization... those tests will likely be scheduled for mid-January. Meanwhile, I'll be seeing a doctor here in Anchorage at ANMC, to be established in their system and to give them an opportunity to realize what a train wreck they have on their hands.
"Moving" was a bit stressful, because I'm such a procrastinator. Nothing really went like I'd imagined it as far as preparing, packing, sifting through the mountains of paperwork and clutter I've accumulated over the past four years. I managed to create one clump of stuff to be given to the Salvation Army thrift store, and I emotionally separated myself from one giant garbage bag of stuff which qualified as GARBAGE. I will definitely have to go back to Laramie to continue the process...
I think the most stressful part of coming up here was convincing healthcare providers at ANMC that I really do need oxygen. That was harder than working with the airline in setting up oxygen for flights. ANMC's rules are that you have to be Alaskan Native and also physically a resident of Alaska to receive their benefits. So I just ran into so many annoying technicalities - I've seriously amped up my dependence on Pepsi for providing physical and emotional relief. I luuuuuuuuv Pepsi.
Anyway, the kids are loving it here, we're excited for K and T to join us this weekend until January 1st, and I feel great. We'll surely be having a white Christmas.

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