Friday, November 06, 2009

...from the Parenting Files

If there is a favorite, comfortable, decent-looking place to sit or relax in your house, it is there that your child will barf.

Children only barf on permeable, expensive things.

If you have more than one child, they will take turns barfing on your comfortable, permeable, expensive place of relaxation, allowing just enough time between barfs to allow the cleaning substance to dry.

Only in myths and legends do children barf on linoleum, in a bucket, outdoors, or anywhere near a bathroom, except in the hall on the way there, on the expensive & permeable carpet.


Peg said...


carrillon said...

ahhh the good old barfy days. My girls are 12 and 13 now and don't barf so much but my younger child was very "spitty" as a baby and "projectiled" surprisingly far and quite regularly. All part of the messiness of parenting...