Saturday, January 24, 2009

cooped up and up late

Since I last wrote, a heat wave passed through and turned our driveway/front yard into an ice rink, like it was when we moved in last March.

We've had more mamavan adventures... During the deep-freeze week of 20's below, I got stuck three times - twice driving off the sides of driveways, and once backing into a snowbank. After the big thaw, there was a backwards slide-to-the-trees/forward slip-to-the-ditch maneuver after I attempted to park in the driveway. I waver between humble gratitude for the man who keeps saving me and eye-rolling annoyance that preventive steps weren't taken. No wonder so many Wasilla people drive monster trucks.

Thank goodness we're now back to normal January temperatures. The car smells better when it's below freezing.

Now we're coming to the end of a week of sick children. It was the return of the Barfovirus. R was first, then I think two days went by uneventfully before BossLady and T were heaving. They both missed school the past two days. So that brings their grand total of days attended in January to NINE - thanks to 3 holiday-days, 2 weather-cancellation days, 1 inservice day, and 2 barfing days. K's still not on a daily flying schedule, so we all feel like we've been stumbling over each other and the dog for two long months.

Speaking of the dog, he hasn't run away since his 20-below overnight expedition. The woman who brought him to her house that night said he had icicles on his coat and was almost run over a few times. We now know how fast Craigslist ads work - and we also don't take his collar off anymore!

I had my echo done, the pressure has gone down into the 40's. (happy dance!)
I won't officially get the results from my doctor until February 18th, though, because the black-ice, school-cancellation day was also the day I was supposed to drive into Anchorage to talk to her. I also had another bone density scan done, but those techs don't give hints about results... Overall I seem to be doing MUCH better and I'm thankful for it.

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