Sunday, November 09, 2008

another busy week

Obama won the election, surprise! About the only comment I have is that maybe Sarah Palin will come back to a desk in Juneau piled high with geography textbooks, a copy of the Constitution and some Diet Dr. Pepper. Put down the Blackberry, pick up a book.

A bigger event this week for our family happened Monday afternoon when my grandma Nuz broke her hip, ice-fishing for trout at her camp near Golovin. She was flown to Anchorage for surgery, accompanied by my brother. We've been visiting her as much as possible. I think most of her time each day is spent with visitors, SO many people have stopped by! She's recovering quickly and has been using a walker to get around for the past few days. Mom will spend about a week with her at home in Golovin once she's out of the hospital.

After Halloween, with all of the visiting going on, a virus worked its way through the family... the Barfovirus. R was hit with it about a week ago; T was miserable with it Thursday night and missed a day of school. Fortunately the barfing sessions only lasted about 5 hours.

Our baby, sometimes called Stinky, Eyeball, Misterguy, Screech, Misters, Scooby, LittleDude, and MonsterBoy, will be three years old on Wednesday. He says it "ffwffweee". His speech is getting better, and it still has that warbling Julia-Child-style intonation. He loves trucks, fire trucks, Caillou, drawing, cutting paper, and bugging everybody. Right now he's combing my hair and talking about getting the buzzer out to cut it.

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