Thursday, October 16, 2008

Check-up Day

So, today I had a PFT and a 6-minute-walk, and appointments with my pulmonologist and rheumatologist. My lungs are better than usual, but I didn't walk far. Since I've been doing 6MWT's at ANMC, I've walked as far as 1760 feet, and until today my shortest walk was 1700 feet. Today I only managed 1680 feet. It's not much of a big deal when I remember the other PH patients who post on the message boards about how high their oxygen is set, how they deal with their central-line or sub-q PH meds, or that they were able to walk 400 feet in 6 minutes. Or worse.
So I'm fine.
The only things my docs really brought up today were: that my back-scratching is worrisome to them (stress, stress) and that they want to reduce and even eliminate some of my medications. Unfortunately it's taking longer than 8 days this time around for the cardiology department to make the echo results available to the internal med department. Dorks.

SNOW! We've got sticking, sticky snowman-snow. It's cold here. The kids played outside for a couple of hours after school, sledding and carefully crafting a snowgirl. R smashed it at the first opportunity.

Chenathedog hit the jackpot, he gets to be inside. I'm learning again to tolerate dog hair EVERYWHERE and that dog-smell, yeah. He's learning to tolerate baths every other day, because he gets YummyChummies for however long it takes for me to try to get him to smell like apples.

I'm only up at midnight to get to that next ChemicalGulp and to find the price ranges for insulated patio curtains. AlapAHH.

Other random bits of things: Delaney's 2!! K's in the land of cheap sushi, Target opened, the first quarter ends for the girls on Friday, natives are flying by the thousands into Anchorage this week for AFN yay! , I got to visit with Melissa, and my friend Andrea from OIT-days found me!! Election-wise, I felt zero motivation to watch the last debate between McCain and Obama tonight. I do whatever I can to avoid confrontation... Watching would not have changed my choice of candidates anyway.

Time for the chemicals and a few more pages of Jane Eyre. And time to listen to Chena have a dream about eating.

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