Saturday, May 31, 2008

Update on StemCell Man

"Just got back from ph doctor, three month check up. Right heart pressure has dropped from 45 which is severe, to 28, three months after stem cell treatment. This puts me at mild. 25 is normal. So big stuff. This really raised eyebrows at the Clinic. At first, it was "if you have to go out of the country, he is a quack". Now it's "well, we just can't get the funding to keep up with global progress". My O2sats just leveled out but thats because of some copd. I'm going back to treat that. All in all it was a huge success - best money I ever spent."
previous post about StemCell Man here

he also wrote:
"...(The doctor) catheters you through the heart as close to the lungs as possible, balloons it and injects the cells and salt water, putting pressure on it and cramming the cells into the capillaries that give us PHers trouble. From there, the cells divide and grow a new vascular bed. So it's not a government trial, and they are not embryos- they are adult stem cells from your own body and blood. This is done in the US every day with blood or bone marrow for 86 different sicknesses, mostly blood disorders and cancer. But PH is not on the list yet so you have to go off shore."

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