So here are all the photos I've had tucked away in the camera. Not all, but enough to show what we've been up to... I couldn't get the caption thing figured out so here's the run-down:
We soaked in the hot tub and had a great picnic at Gramma & Grampy's Tolsona cabin,
watched some Wasilla High School football,
ate some pudding at nap time,
floated Wasilla Lake in the kayaks,
rode ponies at the Alaska State Fair,
had a great first day of school,
enjoyed the big family barbecue with aunties, uncles and cousins,
whooped it up at one of G/G's fiddle dances,
sculpted mud at Point Woronzof,
and had a blast at the Bear Paw Festival.
The four smiling women are (back L-R) Aunt Wanda and Auntie Roseanne, and (front L-R) Auntie Sharon and my Mom!

On the right, I was feeling the effects of all the changes we'd made by July 2007!
great pics!
Remy dances just like his dad! I think I saw just that move at the Antique in East Grand Forks more than once! :)
Nice face, Kevin! Brings back many memories! :)
Love all the photos. So glad you guys are getting settled and Ginny's feeling better!
Can't wait to come visit sometime! My kids would love mud sculpting on the beach. I can picture their blonde heads up against the dark ones!
Ginny, so glad you are all getting settled. You look great! We all, (here in Laramie) miss you guys so much, but it is great to see you so healthy and looking great. Amber and Allyson want to say hi to little K. Hope all keeps going well and cant wait to see more postings.
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