Monday, July 02, 2007

birthdays, travels...

Happy Birthday to my sisters! P yesterday, J tomorrow. My youngest brother had a birthday last week, one of my nieces turns 3 on the 4th, and one of my nephews will be 10 on the 7th! Our Minnesota relatives have some special days coming up this month too...
Today is the 13th anniversary of the day K and I were married. Right now he and T are driving between Dawson Creek, BC, and Whitehorse, YT. They started their long drive up early Saturday morning and made it nearly 800 miles that first day. Sunday, they drove from Lethbridge, AB to Dawson Creek. Hopefully they'll get as far as Whitehorse tonight, then finish the drive tomorrow night.
R is screaming at me, he wants me to fix a hopelessly broken toy and now he's screaming harder because he just hit his face with it. I think it's nap time.

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