Friday, April 27, 2007


Not much of a blog lately. That can mean I'm too busy to write, or my life is too excruciatingly dull to write about, or what I've been thinking about writing is just inappropriate... Actually all three reasons apply this time.
Since the end of March: K turned 40-something, Gramma & Grampy took me and the kids to their cabin near Glenallen, Anchorage's snow melted, and a bunch of other stuff happened that I've forgotten about. Grampy left this week for Hawaii. Gramma's been sidelined by a big muscle spasm in her back but she's recovering. T started soccer finally in an age-appropriate league, we're all excited about that - she's got some soccer potential. LittleK's happy for spring weather but refuses to play outside alone. R's new words include "book", "DON'T", "duck", and "hot". He is suddenly terrified of taking baths!
I'm trying to understand why it seems so important to me to speak and write well. It should be more important to hear and understand what someone is trying to get across, than it is to constantly edit what they're saying. The only reason I can find for this particular obsession of mine is that I want my kids to be well-educated, and for all their words and actions to reflect that. I get a little carried away sometimes...
The counselor I was supposed to see a few weeks ago called in sick and then went on vacation. So I haven't seen her, but I've found ways to not see this present life as such a challenge. There are people with problems far worse than mine.
It's time for my daughter and me to make some banana bread and homemade salsa. I just have to convince her to turn off the TV.

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