Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Research Night

I've just spent a few hours looking up STUFF. I should have been sleeping but now I know more about anticentromere antibodies, ground-glass opacifications, right ventricular functional status and PH prognosis. I also finally registered with Medscape.
R had an appointment today, to find out if he's allergic to eggs. We waited in our kiddy-decorated linoleum holding cell for probably an hour before they actually did the skin-scratch test. After waiting another twenty minutes we found out the result was positive. So now my family is officially an Annoying Allergy Family. I honestly have felt close to zero compassion for those families whose kids go to school with my kids, who have to pressure the entire school district to actually make a "Peanut Policy" and a "Tree Nut Policy" and a "Birthday Snack Policy" and on and on. Serves me right I suppose.
LittleK's presence is usually a guaranteed stressor... for me, at least. The chatter, demands, refusals, picky-eater habits and whining just add up. So I tried to not bring her along to the allergist... but she was dressed, ready, and insisting on sticking with me. She also PROMISED (her idea) she would NOT whine, yell or get bored!!! As soon as we were out of the driveway she whined that she was bored - so I said I'd just turn around and bring her home. Her response (in her sassiest DUH, MOM voice) was that she'd promised not to whine at the hospital, not in the car.
I had no comeback for that but I now know I should probably get her promises down in writing.

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