Friday, January 19, 2007

he's walking!!

R is a little walking man now. Yesterday he made the switch from furniture-cruising to walking at every opportunity. Christmas Eve he took nine steps by himself, and today he was up to thirty-four! He'll even stop, bend down, pick something up and start walking again without falling over. His personality has also taken a dramatic turn. He used to be mellow, 100% sweetness... Now he screams and fake-cries when he doesn't get his way. Sounds like LittleK.
Today we lined up to see which one of us R wanted to be with... he crawled (it's faster than walking) right over to Grampy. So he's figured out that guys need to stick together when they're outnumbered by women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,
Congrats to little R!!! We have one walker at our house (still) and one who really wants to (very, very close)!
We miss you guys! Riley was looking at a photo from school the other day and said - - I miss (little K)!! We all do!
So glad to have this blog to keep up with you guys.
Hugs to all of you.
Stacy and Fam