We're home, resting after a long morning at the park. The city throws a big party, with free watermelon, ice cream, lemonade, jumping castles, etc. There are also booths set up by local businesses and community organizations giving out freebies, so halfway through the park the parents are juggling all the junk the kids don't want to carry.

The girls were in the kids' bike parade at 9:30... then we listened to the community band play a bit, and wandered around. I saw lots of people with oxygen! Most of them were in wheelchairs though and looking pretty grumpy.
So Thursday I had my echo and Friday I saw the internist. He didn't have the echo report from the radiologist, so he asked me how it went... The tech said my numbers are basically in the same range as they were on the previous echo in May. So that's not bad news, but it's not what we were hoping for, either. No pressure decrease. Now I have to increase the dose of Diltiazem. I'm on my last few pills of 180mg and will change to 240's in a few days. Then by the next echo in August we'll see if the pressure comes down. My legs stopped hurting! I haven't noticed much of a change from decreasing prednisone yet but that probably takes more time.
K's been home most of the week, that's been really great. He lets me get away with being lazy! The girls get to play baseball with him every night in the front yard. He got a good start on killing part of the weed forest in the backyard. The girls and I are hoping for a swingset to put back there this summer...

BabyR is definitely learning that fake-crying will get results, and that it sucks to be sitting anywhere but in Mom or Dad's lap. He's really so mellow... he was as calm as could be yesterday during the torrential rain/thunderstorm that passed right through the neighborhood. We give him more and more solid foods each day: pears, apples, baby cookies, cheerios. He's kinda fat! I have to clean the stinky lint-balls and cookie-paste out of his neck rolls every day. For some reason he loves his neck to be tickled. When he smiles, his eyes look like Uncle Brian's.

Tonight we'll be going to our friends' house for barbecued chicken and other tasty stuff. K made his favorite cheesecake for tonight, coffee-brandy. There'll be some fireworks in town, and we've been promised some good seats on the roof of our friends' house, so it should be a good time.
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